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The Princess Bride | Mar 21-23

March 21 March 23

Starring Cary Elwes, Mandy Patinkin & Robin Wright

The Strand is proud to bring this beloved tale back to the Big Screen, a story that a grandfather reads to his grandson, which, in addition to swashbuckling and adventures galore, also includes – gulp – kissing.

Mandy Patinkin who just performed at the Strand has said that the role of Inigo Montoya is his personal favorite over the course of his entire career.

According to author William Goldman, when he was first trying to get the movie made in the 1970s, a then-unknown Arnold Schwarzenegger wanted to play Fezzik, and he was strongly being considered because Goldman could never get his first choice, André the Giant, to read for the role. By the time the movie was made about twelve years later, Schwarzenegger was such a big star they could not afford him. Andre was cast after all, and the two big men had gone on to become friends.

When asked what his favorite thing about making this film was, André the Giant replied, without skipping a beat, “Nobody looks at me.” He felt treated as an equal, without people staring at him because of his grand height.

Robin Wright and Cary Elwes were smitten with each other during filming, naturally helping their chemistry in the movie. Elwes said that he “couldn’t concentrate on much of anything after that first encounter with Robin.”

1987 | Rated PG | 1Hr, 38Min

Friday & Saturday, March 21 & 22, 7:30pm

Sunday Matinee, March 23, 2:00pm

$5 General Admission: $4 Seniors 65+

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