Bullitt | Jan 17 & 19
January 17 / 7:30 pm & January 19 / 2:00 pm
Starring Steve McQueen, Jacqueline Bisset and Robert Vaughn
See the action movie that made a household name of Steve McQueen on our enormous 30′ screen in true digital HD and 39 speaker surround-sound!
A nonconformist San Francisco cop is determined to find the underworld kingpin who killed the witness under his protection.
Several items of clothing worn by Steve McQueen received a boost in popularity thanks to the film: desert boots, a trench coat, a blue turtleneck sweater and, most famously, a brown tweed jacket with elbow patches.
Although Steve McQueen was credited with the driving during the chase sequence, it was actually shared by McQueen and Bud Ekins, one of Hollywood’s best stunt drivers. From the interior shots looking forward inside the Mustang, it’s easy to see which one is driving. When McQueen is driving, the rear view mirror is down reflecting his face. When Ekins is driving it is up, so his face is hidden. While filming the scene where the giant airliner taxis just above McQueen, observers were shocked that no double was used. Asked if the producers couldn’t have found a dummy, McQueen wryly replied, “They did.”
Robert Vaughn (politician Walter Chalmers) received the script and didn’t like it. He felt that there was no plot, nor a sensible story line. Steve McQueen insisted Vaughn do the film, but he refused, until the studio finally offered him so much money, he finally said yes. Apparently, everyone was happy in the end, because Vaughn has been quoted as saying this was the best performance of his career, and the work of which he is the most proud.
Friday, January 17, 7:30pm
Sunday, January 19, 2:00pm
1968 | Rated PG (pre-dates PG-13) | 1hr, 54min